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Lady Gaga has gone gaga for the Antiques Roadshow… True story!

A couple of weeks ago, you might remember that I wrote a blog post about the collectors of the Victorian era and the crucial role they played in helping to develop our society

Among the most influential of that era’s collectors was 19th century aristocrat, Charlotte Schreiber, who travelled the globe obsessively retrieving historic artefacts.

Well, it now seems that Ms Schreiber has a 21st century equivalent. And it may surprise you to learn that it is none other than eccentric pop songstress Lady GaGa…


Collecting’s in her blood: the fame monster Lady Gaga

Like me, you may be left baffled as young people go gaga over the Lady’s latest weird music video, or Madonna-esque pop hit. Yet, rest assured, there is a cultured woman behind the freaky facade…

According to British tabloid The Sun (and overlooking said newspaper’s tendency to occasionally make things up) Ms GaGa is now a massive fan of long-running BBC collectibles programme, the Antiques Roadshow.

Said “a source” quoted by The Sun: “Lady GaGa is really into her antiques… [and] hasn’t stopped watching the DVDs. She loves how the old people think their antique is a bit of tat but ends up costing thousands. It’s right up her street.”

And GaGa’s collecting obsession isn’t limited to spectating. The singer, whose songs include Money Honey, has reportedly been investing her money into trinkets from around the world during her travels – just like Charlotte Schreiber all those years ago.

Am I alone in guessing that most of these treasures will somehow be incorporated into her outlandish stage outfits?

What’s more, old antiques aren’t the only collectibles up Lady Gaga’s street. The 25-year-old’s management recently gifted her a pair of red shoes worn by Judy Garland as Dorothy in the 1939 MGM classic, Wizard of Oz.


Gaga is reportedly gaga for Dorothy’s red slippers – and they could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars

Considering another pair, worn by Garland in the film’s earliest weeks of production, recently sold for $627,000  in the incredible Debbie Reynolds auction, Gaga definitely has a value asset on her hands and won’t be spilling fake blood on them any time soon (see photo).

Paul Fraser Collectibles happily welcomes Ms Gaga into the collecting fold, and we await the appearance of her name on our newsletter subscribers’ mailing list.

In meantime, keep an eye out for Ms Gaga – real name Stefani Germanotta – the next time you’re in a saleroom. And let us know if she appears at an auction near you…

By Alex

Gaga image: kate_xo

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